Self Publishers' Survey

self publishing surveyWhat to do while sitting at a book table at a writers' festival during the down times while speakers had participants' attention… I decided to conduct a Self Publishing Survey.

Most other participants at our independent writers' table graciously agreed to participate. So while authors who were published traditionally spoke in the next building, I learned a great deal about my fellow self publishers.

The survey had eight questions, and I allowed writers to talk freely around the topics. One never knows what gems might drop when a writer speaks.

The results of the survey will be posted here as I have time to collate the data and format the pages. Text in color and underlined means there is already a live page posted on that topic. Black text means watch this space for something more.

NOTE: Questions 1 and 2 will never be linked. The information from those questions is posted on the individual authors' pages.

The Self Publishers' Survey Questions

  1. What inspired you to write your book?
  2. Why did you self-publish?
  3. When did you begin to think of marketing?
  4. How many books were in your first print run?
  5. What were your first year sales?
  6. How many books do you need to sell to break even?
  7. Did you use
    • An Editor?
    • A Designer or Artist?
    • A Printer?
    • A Distributor?
    • A PR person or firm?
  8. How do you define success in regards to your self publishing endeavor?

The Self Publishers' Survey Participants and Their Books

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