What exactly are editing services? Each editor offers something specific. This page will clarify the vocabulary Writer's Helper uses as well as offer other information you might have about editing in general.
The answers to the questions posed here might very well be different if given by another editor. This is because there is not one standard vocabulary for the jobs editors do.
The bottom line is...
make sure you know which services your editor is offering.
If you do not find the answer you need here, use the form at the end of the page to submit a question directly to the editor, Audrey Owen. If you want a personal reply, please fill in your first name and email address. Otherwise, check back at this site for your answer.
What is an editor?
What should I know about an editor's credentials?
What are substantive editors?
What are ghostwriters?
What is a copy editor?
What is copywriting?
What are line editors or stylistic editors?
What is an educative edit?
What is proofreading?
Do you have any testimonials for your clients?
How much will my editing cost?
Will my edited book be published?
Will an editor steal my work?
What is writing for hire?
What if I don't agree with what the editor says?
What is a style sheet?
What is the editing time line for a book?`
What are the pros and cons of self-publishing?
Why can't I make telephone contact with you?
I've answered many Frequently Asked Questions about editors and editing above, but...
...you may have another question.
This is your chance to ask.
Click below to see questions from other visitors to this page...
Who REALLY knows..?
Good afternoon.
Help me wrestle this please? I'm old and have time. A few quid and fewer worries.
I was always accused of being creative.
Questions About Substantive Editors from a Complete Noob
First of all, I want to thank you for the wonderful help your website has been. I have been writing as a casual hobby for a few years, but I decided I …
HI Audrey,
Being, your name is Owen, is Deb Owen related to you?
She is an editor also,who owns CWI.
a school for cancer patients,
my book is a mess?
I just write the words come out Many places theres no paragraphs chapters puncuation spellcheck sentances run together. Ive no idea if edited even fixes …
An Editor's Education
Does an editor have to have a Bachelor degree, or can someone become one with an Associates degree?
Ballpark estimate?
I am interested in self-publishing my book. It's around 50,000 words. Although this book has been rewritten from beginning to end twice since …
Contract with editor? With price tag?
What does a professional experienced editor - with New York City experience - typically charge? What does the contract look like?
I would like to
My name is Karen Bronson and i have written a
short story and i need some one to with experience to edit and proof my story.
I then want …
Seriously interested in info on free writing online courses for seniors.
I have written a series of 20 children's stories all based on a fictional animal and designed to educate and tickle the imagination of young minds. Additionally, …
Do we need italics ?
HI, Audrey!
Do we need to use italics in when we let a character speak in a novel?
line spacing
When I go to format, to set up my page, I can't seem to get the right line spacing on each page the same. I'm trying for 24 lines, but sometimes I get …
German ?
Hello, can I use it for German language ?
lost email
Hi Audrey,
I seem to have lost your email address-I wanted to invite you to our group on facebook but there are several people with the same name. We …
What to rely on a editor?
Suppose I have my idea for my story on a novel but have trouble making the story sound good or at least un-mediocre how could a editor help me on that? …
I need my final college paper edited. Can you help me?
I need some help with editing and proofing of my final college paper. Can you help me? My email address is bobbyrayshockley@hotmail.com
Editing required for 3 ariticles
I need editing for 3 articles 500 words each. Could you please give me a quote and let me send you articles? Please reply. Thanks
I seek critique like a hidden treasure
I have an agent interested in my work. Great! Now they want a critique. I have no problem getting a critique. I seek critique!
Do you offer that service? …
Any suggestions?
The project (on which I've worked for over a year now) is a devotional Bible Study kind of thing. Not a Bible thumping, beggarly kind of thing...Just …
Pimping My Prose
Is it advantageous to acquire an agent?
What is considered plagiarism?
Hello Audrey,
In this day and age of information, it is easy to take other's ideas as your own. What is considered plagiarizing these days? I have been …
I was only wondering.
Who edited your webpage? I found numerous mistakes.
The Religion Factor In Editing
Why do some editors take out the parts of an article that speak of Jesus?
Should a poet have an editor review an anthology?
As a poet, I've considered several times publishing an anthology of my work, both poems currently published free-to-view online and unpublished works. …
This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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