Ballpark estimate?

by Morgan


I am interested in self-publishing my book. It's around 50,000 words. Although this book has been rewritten from beginning to end twice since I began it eight or nine years ago, and has been proofread by numerous friends, but I wanted to find a professional editing service to make it more professional before moving forward with self-publishing.

I was thinking of using KickStarter to fund this and other book-related expenses, and I was hoping to get a ballpark estimate so that I know what to set for my goal. I would be willing to provide you with more information if necessary, of course. Prior to accepting anything, I would go for the sample edit; if our styles are compatible, I might even turn to you for the sequels (I have thus far written roughs for seven and a half sequels, as well as a related book of short stories.)

I appreciate the fact that you go case by case, but without a range (even a wide range), it would be very difficult for me to set an appropriate goal. Even a ballpark figure would be helpful; I won't consider it a legally binding figure or anything.

Thank you for your time,

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Apr 17, 2012
Editing Quotes
by: Audrey

Hello, Morgan.

I'll do better than give you an estimate. I'll give you an actual price that you can rely on. That's what I use the sample edit for. And of course it also allow us to see how well we work together.

You can submit your writing for the sample edit at

All the best as you continue to pursue your writing.

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