Are you a writer who sets goals? The writing goals on this Web site are mine and those of other writers. They could be your goals, too.
Like other writers, I often get derailed. Sometimes that's a good thing. I realize something is more worthy of my attention. Sometimes it's a bad thing. I just get stuck for whatever reason, and my goals lurk in dark and hidden places.
This is a spot where you can get help meeting your writing goal.
To get you started, here is a mnemonic device to guide you as you set your goal. Good goals are SMART.
Specific. "I want to write a book," is pretty general. Can you narrow that down so you can focus on what you'll need to do to take your next steps?
Measurable. How will you know when you are done?
Attainable. A good goal is a challenge. It is also something you could do. You might need help or extra resources, but you could meet the goal.
Relevant. Is your goal important and worthwhile? Does it align with your values?
Timed. A time limit keeps you moving forward.
Here's how it works.
When you have a SMART goal, fill in the form below. The only required field is the goal.
If you fill in your e-mail address, you will receive seven nudges in the future to keep you on track. These are automated responses, and I will not use your address for any other purpose. (Your e-mail address will never be posted on this site. That is an excellent way to advertise to the spambots that you want them to visit, and I would never provide them even one little nibble.) A bonus: Instalment 2 includes a link to Jack Popjes, the writer featured at the top right of the page.
So fill in the form, and get to work. If you need the reminders, great! If you are meeting your goal when the reminders arrive, you can sit back with a satisfied smile.
And if you want regular information important to writers, you can sign up for the free newsletter.
This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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