What caused the pain? What happened next? Is the lesson physical, emotional, or spritual. The choice is yours.
Specifications: Write a piece that incorporates the idea of Ouch! You do not need to use the word. Just ensure that a reader will understand it from reading your work. Write in any genre for any age group.
Submission Requirements:
Judging: An independent reader will open and record all entries. Each entry will be given an identifying number. The editor, Audrey Owen, will read and judge each entry. Her decision is final.
Winners: The winner will be announced on this site by January 31, 2006. All writing contest entrants will receive a brief critique (approximately 100 words) by Audrey Owen. First place prize in this writing contest is a choice of
OR a credit of $50.00 CDN ($35.00 US) on future editing.
Steppingstone Resources receives first rights to the prize-winning manuscript. The winning entry is posted on this site. All other rights revert to the authors on January 31, 2006.
Address: Send entries to Steppingstone Resources
Writing Contest
494 Eaglecrest Drive
Gibsons, B.C.
V0N 1V8
Check out this site's writing tips before submitting to the writing contest.
Ouch! Writing Contest Winner -- Barbara Woods
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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