Writing Goals 2007

Since 2005, writers sent in their writing goals and received monthly reminders to meet those goals.

What about you?

After reading these goals and those writers submitted in 2005 and 2006, consider submitting your own via the form at www.writershelper.com/writing-goals.html.

I'm starting with my own. Some from last year were completed, others are still pending.

Audrey's writing goals

  1. Get the alphabet book published.
  2. Write one more e-course.
  3. Write one e-book.
  4. Write at least 100 pages for my new Web site retirementinvestigator.com.
--Audrey Owen, Gibsons, B.C., CANADA

Ray Farmer's writing goal

teach a sunday class to use goals to inrich there life
--Ray Farmer, Duncanville, Tx, USA

Lita Pita's writing goals

  1. I want to write and get something published. I am blogging now.
  2. I want to get money out of my writng. I need help to do that.
--Lita Pita, New York, New York, USA

Gemma's writing goal

Finish my first book before the end of the year.

--Gemma, Staffordshire, ENGLAND

Lia Kirkland's writing goal

Better time management

--Lia Kirkland, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Anna Huett's writing goal

Better Short Stories

--Anna Huett, Evansville, IN, USA

Lyn Tinsley's writing goal

I want to write an ebook size story of a women at her wits end. She has been fired from her job for theft, her marriage is in trouble because her husband has fallen ill, can not work, and their finances are in the red. She needs help, and finds herself sitting in her car across the street from a church staring at the steeple.

-- Lyn Tinsley, Cookeville, TN, USA

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