Writing Goals for 2005

Throughout 2005 writers sent in their writing goals and received monthly reminders to meet those goals.

What about you?

After reading these goals, consider submitting your own via the form at writershelper.com/writing-goals.html.

My writing goals for 2005
  1. Get the interview I need to finish my alphabet book.
  2. Finish writing at least one free writing course by June.
  3. Add a section about Web site writing to this site.
  4. Write one e-book.
--Audrey Owen, Gibsons, B.C. CANADA
Writing goals
  1. submit 2 stories weekly to PAYING publications/print/online
  2. submit 2 articles every two weeks
  3. take one or two FREE online classes
--Jean Madigan, Phoenix, AZ. USA
Writing goals
  • To finish one ebook and add at least 10 pages of new content to my website.
--Shelley Hitz, Findlay, Ohio, USA
Writing goals
  1. To finish and publish the common sense personal finance workbook I am in the midst of writing.
  2. To improve my writing skills on a daily basis.
  3. To get published at least once a month.
  4. To find two steady clients in my area.
--Troy Smoldon, Orondo, WA
Writing goal
  • To publish my dance memoir book before the end of 2005.
--Paul Blakey, Roberts Creek, B.C. CANADA
Writing goals
  1. To send out 3 queries a week on Tues., Wed., and Thurs.
  2. To send out a monthly newsletter.
  3. To attend the Magazine Writers One on One Conference in Chicago.
--Heather Larson, Tacoma, WA, USA
Writing goals
  • To develop and improve writing skill through taking courses and practice.
  • To start regular earning from writing
--Lorna Campgell, London, England, UNITED KINGDOM
Writing goal

I hope to write on my novel for at least one hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, and be completley finished by May, then get it self published by end of the year.

--Shanessa, NM, USA
Writing goals
  1. Spend less time being busy - checking emails etc and more time writing.
  2. Pitch two new director TV ideas for myself rather than other companies.
  3. To repitch each comissioned article where I still own the copyright at least four times.
  4. To be more committed and consistent in marketing myself as a writer.
  5. Remember to say NO to jobs/editors that ask too much for the money offered.
  6. Where possible sit on the final copy for at least a day before submitting.
--Frank Coles, Dublin, IRELAND
Writing goals
  1. To finish writing and submit first novel
  2. Write and submit at least six children's books this year
  3. Start The Christian Writer's Guild correspondence course by March
  4. Attend and participate in at lest one Writer's Conference in 2005
  5. Develop and maintain a viable writing schedule
  6. Read at least one book per month
--Andora Henson, Texas, USA

Writing goal

My goal is to continue writing and finish my science fiction novel.

--Caryl Leventhal, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writing goals
  1. Improve web writing skills, i.e., keep it real for the reader and keep page SE optimized.
  2. Submit one article a week to a free content site.
--Renee Michaels, Galloway, NJ, USA
Writing goals
  1. To take some writing courses.
  2. Have my finished story perfected and sent to a publisher.
  3. Get a good start on my other story.
--Lauralee Davis, Terrace, BC, CANADA
Writing goals
  1. To complete editing my 1st novel.
  2. To join a writer's group.
  3. To start writing a sequel.
  4. To get my first novel published.
--June Bourgo, Gibsons, BC, CANADA
Writing goals
  1. To join a writer's group
  2. To do a creative writing course
  3. To actually write something
  4. To enter a writing competition
--Lorna Campbell, London, UK
Writing goals
  1. To join writer's Group
  2. To do creative writing course
  3. To put together a writing plan
  4. To do research for ny autobiography
  5. To enter competitions
--Lorna Campbell, London, UK
Writing goals
  1. Finish my Solo Build It sitestep by step.
  2. Finish my Autobiography
  3. Publish my Autobiography
  4. Make a net presence
  5. Write my e-zine
--Thia Licona, Jefferson, NC, USA
Writing goals
  1. Set a reasonable daily schedule and stick to it. Do it today, Sunday March 20, 2005.
  2. Accomplish the completion of courses in Wilkes on preset dates.
  3. Learn how to edit my Autobiography manuscript in The Keys to Effective Editing course.
  4. Actually edit and ready my Autobiography for publication by 4/27/05 or end of The Keys to Effective Editing course.
  5. Actually create a Successful Business Plan to obtain finances for Thia Enterprises Internet Business in the next 6 weeks ending on 4/27/05 or end of Creating a Successful Business Plan course.
  6. Build 5 meaningful Internet business relationships
--Thia Licona, West Jeffersion, NC, USA
Writing goals
  1. Finish e-book, "How to earn the money you are worth".
    Target date 04/10/05
  2. Complete and publish web site
--Russ Cranmer, Livingston, Texas, USA
Writing goals
  1. Write one page of great content about Jewish weddings and Jewish wedding rings a day.
  2. Write an instructional manual on how to make your own chuppah.
  3. Write my e-zine on Jewish wedding tips to help my web site vistors save money on their Jewish wedding.
--Josh Singer, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Writing goals
  1. Reorganize AYearFromNow.com and get it back on the track of my original vision.
  2. Write and publish my newsletters on a more even schedule.
  3. Develop a good set of interview questions to help get better information from people so I can promote them better on my various websites.
-- John Dilbeck, Murphy, NC, USA
Writing goal

Complete novel by the end of this year.

--Dawn Wing, Aurora, CO, USA
Writing goals
  1. Build a web site to promote my writing abilities and freelance writing business.
  2. Set realistic goals for getting my business off the ground.
  3. Write more! Think of more ideas for nonfiction articles and corresponding markets.
  4. Find at least two more decent-paying clients by year-end.
--Robyn Kurdek, Van Nuys, CA, USA
Writing goals
  1. To publish two articles per month in the mangosteen/health are.

  2. To set a page to recieve article submission.
--Dan Dinneen, Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA
Writing goals
  • Publish my third book called Violet the Pilot in Hawaii www.violetthepilot.com

  • Write an article about being a commercial pilot for a magazine
  • Continue to help others get started in their publishing company at least once a month
-- Bettina Bathe, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
Writing Goals
  1. To write one query letter every month
  2. To submit first article by December, 2005
  3. To go in one writing competition by December, 2005
  4. To buy 'The Writer's Market Place' and submit one article every two week as from January 2006
  5. To find or establish "a sacred circle", as discussed in Julia Cameron's book, 'The Artist's Way'.
Writing Goals
  1. To complete my writers education course
  2. To complete the children"s storybooks currently being written
  3. To illustrate my own books.
-- Alan Wybrow, Stratford, Ontario
Writing Goals
  1. Complete my children literature class.
  2. Write in bite size pieces daily.
  3. Read 2 books a month.
  4. Work towards self publishing my book.
  5. Submit a nonfiction article bi-monthly.
-- ReGena, Fort Worth, Texas

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