Self-publishing options continue to grow.
Immediately following the invention of Gutenberg's press in 1436 only the wealthiest could afford to publish.Today, some self-publishing options are all but free.
An increasing number of people share the opportunity to spread their message to the world.
Changes in technology open new venues for self-publishing writers. When I launched my Web site in 2003, I was concerned only with traditional self-publishing and print on demand (POD) publishing. In part, this was because editors, by nature, lean toward the traditional. But it was also because technology has made other options available since 2003.
It's time for me to share what I know with those of you interested in self publishing.
There are many ways to join the ranks of the published.
If you wonder about the pros and cons of self-publishing, click here.
No matter which venue you choose, it's about the words. When you choose an editor, I hope you will consider me.
This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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