scared beginning

by Jennifer

I am very interested in writing. My mind is constantly running with either ideas or life issues. I am looking for some guidance on how to get this all out there for myself and to help others. I think a writing buddy or mentor of some sort is what I'm looking for.


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Jan 19, 2011
Just Do It!
by: Audrey

Hello Jennifer,

You have two issues.

The first is simply the need to write. In that case, just do it. Pick up a pen, or sit at a computer or talk into a recording device. Just do it. Don't wait until it's perfect. Writing well comes with practice, just like any other skill does. So the more you write, the better you will be. If nothing else, keep a journal.

The second thing is how to get your work "out there" so others can benefit from your ideas. That has to do with publishing. There are shelves full of books on that topic. There are many Web sites -- including this one -- with helpful information on the topic. There are classes in local colleges.

Just don't put the cart before the horse. Do some writing. See how others respond to it. If you get great feedback from friends and relatives and others who see what you have to say, you'll soon find yourself on the path to publication. Soon being a relative term here.

I'm currently writing a sort of journal about my sister's fight with cancer. I wrote most of it for myself, but since she is in France and the rest of her family live in Canada, I began to share what I was seeing and hearing over here. Before long, I learned that people were sharing the story with friends and the friends were passing it on to other friends. All these people pass it on because they find it helpful or interesting in some way.

This is just one example of a way that a writer can help others through writing. I wasn't meaning to do that. I was just writing because that's how I am in the world. I shared what I had with those close to me. They saw value in my information and form of expression and passed it on.

Other times I've gone about publishing very deliberately, but it always comes down to having something of value to say, saying it well, and sharing it.

You have to start with an idea, and then go to writing. After that you can explore publishing.

All the best,

PS. Pursue local writing groups. They can be a great support. Ask at your library or book store.

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