Get Help With Your Writing Problems

One writing problem is that writers almost only work alone. Sometimes we need help. Here's the place to get the help you need with your own writing problem.

Over the years I've answered many emails from writers with grammar questions. I've given advice about the writing process and about how to submit text to publishers. I've been happy to help.

But there's a big writing community out there in cyberspace, and now there is the software to help you connect with one another. This means that you can ask a question on this Web site and get an answer from many people instead of only from me.

Although anyone can submit a question or answer, I check everything that goes onto my Web site, so you can have confidence that any answer you get here, no matter who wrote the answer, is something I agree with. Of course, I may sometimes publish an incorrect answer, but if I do, I will also publish my own rebuttal.

So go ahead and ask your question. And when you are done, pay it forward by answering any questions you can. Together we will grow as writers.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Getting started  
I feel like I get writer's block when I think about writing a paper. How can I get past this?

Explaining cultural architecture and other specifics in Fantasy 
I have been writing a story set in a fantasy setting and much of the architecture these fictional races are using is based on real world architecture from …

Finding the correct usage for a word 
Is using the phrase "life issues" correct since both "life" and 'issues' are nouns. I could not find an adjective for "life" in this context.

Rather or Whether - another question 
Which example is more appropriate - May your travels rather near or far enable new experiences, and most importantly, allow you to spend time with those …

I have a lot of difficulty with describing the actions of characters. 
As the title suggests, I have trouble with describing the actions of my characters. I don't see myself as a great writer, as I am still learning, but something …

Grammar problems 
I have a HUGE problem with writing. My choice of words are poor, and my messages don't flow. I want to use the correct punctuation, but the English language …

I have some writing problems 
sometimes i have problems with my writing, such as, use of words, can't put my ideas together, not able to choose the right expression words, and so on. …

Finishing my Novel 
Well, first I wrote the novel and I thought I was done with it. Then I gave it to my mom to read but, she in turn suggested that I put a whole lot more …

Action Novel 
If I'm writing a action novel in past tense which person should i have it in? First or third. I can not continue so please reply. Thank you Annabell …

Two small problems I'm having 
Hi, I stumbled across your site and I got engaged in reading the hints and everything on the home page. I came to the conclusion that I've been mostly …

punctuation for brevity and banality 
I do a fair bit of editing at work for researchers and students who write technical reports. My pet peeve is over-use of commas - I threaten to charge …

Too many ideas 
Just wondering what you do when you have heaps of ideas all popping around in your head?? I'm not a fast writer either on paper and the computer so in …

I have problems with spelling and grammar 
Because English is my second language writing for me has been very difficult. One of the reasons I am taking this class is to improve my writing. My …

I always get mixed up between their and there. How do you keep them straight?

Have commas been cut from the budget? 
Hi, Growing up and up to this point in my writing career, I've always learned (and practiced!) that when writing a numeral, if it is longer than four …

I'm approaching the writing of my novel from a very 'visual' aspect. As I write I imagine watching the scene appear as if on a screen. My novel has two …

Emotional hights: Good, or Bad? 
I find that my writing appears to improve when I am in an emotional high, whether that is up in a hyper mode, or down in a semi-depressed state. Can this …

Did the men die where they lay or where they laid? 
In editing my husband's novel, there are many times when the hero talks about bedding down and going to sleep. The book is a story being told in the first …

Spelling out numbers  
In my novel, I have written a prologue where a number of separate scenes involving different characters are being played out with the same radio program …

scared beginning 
I am very interested in writing. My mind is constantly running with either ideas or life issues. I am looking for some guidance on how to get this all …

If I change my name, is it still my memoir? 
Dear Audrey, can I write a memoir and change everyone's name, including my own? Or would it have to become fiction at this point, and have to follow …

Can first and third person live together? 
Dear Audrey, If I'm writing in first person, can I write my second POV character in third person? Thank you, Jacqueline

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