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Get Help With Your Writing ProblemsOne writing problem is that writers almost only work alone. Sometimes we need help. Here's the place to get the help you need with your own writing problem.Over the years I've answered many emails from writers with grammar questions. I've given advice about the writing process and about how to submit text to publishers. I've been happy to help. But there's a big writing community out there in cyberspace, and now there is the software to help you connect with one another. This means that you can ask a question on this Web site and get an answer from many people instead of only from me. Although anyone can submit a question or answer, I check everything that goes onto my Web site, so you can have confidence that any answer you get here, no matter who wrote the answer, is something I agree with. Of course, I may sometimes publish an incorrect answer, but if I do, I will also publish my own rebuttal. So go ahead and ask your question. And when you are done, pay it forward by answering any questions you can. Together we will grow as writers. Ask About Your Pesky Writing ProblemGo ahead and post your pesky writing problem. What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Getting started
Explaining cultural architecture and other specifics in Fantasy
Finding the correct usage for a word
Rather or Whether - another question
I have a lot of difficulty with describing the actions of characters.
Grammar problems
I have some writing problems
Finishing my Novel
Action Novel
Two small problems I'm having
punctuation for brevity and banality
Too many ideas
I have problems with spelling and grammar
Have commas been cut from the budget?
Emotional hights: Good, or Bad?
Did the men die where they lay or where they laid?
Spelling out numbers
scared beginning
If I change my name, is it still my memoir?
Can first and third person live together?