I have some writing problems

by nguyen hung
(Hue City, Vietnam)

sometimes i have problems with my writing, such as, use of words, can't put my ideas together, not able to choose the right expression words, and so on. would you help me improve my writing as much as possible. thanks for helping.

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Mar 21, 2013
Finding the right words
by: Audrey

Hello, Nguyen Hung.

It sounds to me like you are talking about developing your vocabulary. That takes time. The best ways to develop vocabulary are
1. Read and speak English as much as possible.
2. Watch English TV and listen to English radio.
3. Listen to, and sing along with, English songs.
4. Look up words or expressions or ask someone else when you read or hear something you don't understand.
5. Use a dictionary and a thesaurus when you can.

I hope these ideas help you.

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