I have problems with spelling and grammar

by vindinha
(Lincoln, Rhode Island)

Because English is my second language writing for me has been very difficult. One of the reasons I am taking this class is to improve my writing. My vocabulary is poor that is why my writing is pitiable. When I have to write I feel worried, nervous, and sweat. I do not know how to begin, and takes me a while to start. I also have problems with my grammar, I have to repeatedly check the dictionaries to look at my spelling and verbs

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Jun 16, 2014
ESL help
by: Audrey

Hello, Geetha.

This site helps writers. It assumes basic English skills. There are many Web sites that do offer help to those who need basic grammar and vocabulary. If you search for ESL, you will find many resources.

All the best to you.

Jun 16, 2014
writing problem
by: geetha

hai medam ,I have problem in writing & speaking in english. Could u help me.

Feb 26, 2013
Learning English
by: Audrey

Hello, Rita.

There are many routes to learning a language. Find the one that works best for you where you are.

You can learn a great deal from books and from other people. Some learners need to speak first and learn to read and write later. Some learners do best on their own, others like to learn in groups.

As long as you keep staying curious about English and noticing whatever you can when you come across English, your English will improve.

All the best to you.

Feb 25, 2013
have problem in grammer and spelling
by: rita

i always have mistake while writing so how i can improve my self please advice me

Mar 07, 2012
have no fear
by: Renee

Writing is for communicating - everything you wrote makes sense, even though it's not perfect. Are you perfect in your native language? I bet not - few people are. But it doesn't stop you from communicating.

The important thing is that you got your point across clearly. Improving your grammar and vocabulary just means the reader is less likely to misunderstand (and more likely to enjoy and continue reading).

You've probably noticed there are many ways to say the same thing in English - you don't have to know all of them. But as you learn more, you can get more creative with your new language and have fun - try writing little poems to play around with it.

Good for you for taking on a second language. Just keep going - you'll keep improving if you pay attention and keep trying! (And then you can try a third language, and it will be even easier because you know the process and have confidence from having done it!)

Oct 31, 2011
Basic Grammar
by: Anonymous

One should always start with basic grammar in English to master the language.

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