Finishing my Novel

by Brandi Allums
(Greenback, TN)

Well, first I wrote the novel and I thought I was done with it. Then I gave it to my mom to read but, she in turn suggested that I put a whole lot more detail in my work. So I started having these other ideas for the first two chapters. Then I am so stumped for the rest of the chapters. It's almost like I don't want to write any more because it's getting too hard....Could anyone, please...Help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?

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Sep 08, 2012
Nicely Explained
by: Loganathan.S.

Thanks Audrey,
The explanation you gave is nice and encouraging the beginners.

Sep 07, 2012
No Problem
by: Audrey

You aren't doing anything wrong. You are just going through the process of writing.

It's important to know that not everything we write is for publication. I have far more things unpublished than I have published, and most of those are abandoned, each for its own reason. Sometimes I just lose enthusiasm. Sometimes I'm stuck and can't figure out how to move forward. Sometimes I realize I'm not the right person to be writing a particular piece. Sometimes I set a piece aside and come back to it later -- sometimes years later.

In your position, I'd ask myself why you are writing. Is this piece you are writing now meeting your goals? If not, let it go. If you do want to move forward with it, you can either analyze it yourself for clues about how to proceed, put it aside for a time to give your subconscious time to sort things out, or ask trusted friends (or family) for advice. If this is something you absolutely HAVE to do, and nothing else works, contact a professional editor to give you a hand.

Writing is a lot like having a baby. It's not all easy going. It's different from having a baby in that you can abandon a project without guilt.

I wish you well.

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