Young People Can Write Too!

As a young writer myself I realise that it is hard to publish books. I have a dream of becoming a best selling Authoress but I am intimidated by my age. Don't let this stop you! Young people can do big things!

Comments for Young People Can Write Too!

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Jan 24, 2011
Just write!
by: Anonymous

I've loved to write and draw for as long as I can remember. I got a laptop for Christmas and all I use it for is typing and visiting writing website such as this one! My biggest writing struggle is starting with the character, but I can't seem to find a good plot to match the character. Plot generators help a bit, but it seems like I get the best ideas from dreams and by praying to God! Just remember, don't put off your writing because your "too young." Just write!!!

Jan 01, 2011
Don't let this put you off!!!!
by: Beverly

I have recently begun writing a novel; I'm (age removed. See comment in post below) this month. I have never thought of letting my age intimidate me...I am actually of the contrary opinion that if we get our books published they will soar above other author's because of our tender age!!! I am writing for the adult genre and so I know I have a lot to compete with and my story is quite intense (the character that the story is based upon dies in the end...shhh!) I may seem confident though I am not cocky...for example, I am willing to accept that it is hard to find a publisher and age may interfere (I havn't really done my research). However, I personally think my story is strong and based on family affairs, which will appeal to the target market. I am from Ireland, and would like to publish a book as a teenager, though if it doesn't happen, what the hell, I'll always have the manuscript to look back on in my later years!! =)

Oct 16, 2010
A warning
by: Audrey

Hello Anna,

I removed your comment because the software does not allow me to edit your name, and you included your age with your name. I did copy your comment and am pasting it below. But first I need to give you a warning and some information. They are related.

First, the warning. It is NEVER a good idea to post your age on the Internet. I am not aware of any way that someone could get your information from my site, but I don't even post information that could put me in harm's way, and I'm a retired person. This is why I deleted your post. It would be very irresponsible of me to allow your age to remain, even when you are not giving other identifying information.

Now for the information. Your age is irrelevant as far as publishing is concerned unless you are submitting to a magazine that takes readers' stories and insists of age limits. When I submit something for publication, I don't tell anyone my age. What I do tell them is why my story is a good thing for them to publish.

When you believe you have something you do want to submit to a publisher, first show it to your parents. There are two reasons to do this:
1. They are your best supporters and can only help you if they know what you are doing.
2. Only they can sign a contract giving someone permission to print your material until you are old enough to sign a contract in your jurisdiction.

That may make you wonder if you have to tell the publisher right away how old you are. The answer is no. The time to tell them is when you have to deal with the contract. Then they'll need to know why you aren't signing it yourself. And you don't tell them until they make you an offer.

That's not because they will reject you for being too young, but because they'll reject your for being unprofessional. There are rules about how to get a publisher's attention in a good way. If you break those rules, you lose your chance with that publisher for a long time.

Now here's what you wrote and I copied....

Agreed. I too am a young writer, and often I feel I cannot send my book in because the publishers will laugh at me. I am trying not to be discouraged and just trying to keep writing. We young writers often feel alone, and we need the moral and emotional (for when we think our stores suck) help and patience from our dearest friends and family. But in the end, it's all worth it. I too wish to become a bestselling authoress.

Oct 14, 2010
Dang right!! x
by: Anonymous

Dang right! Hang in there, you are not alone! Well said! Keep writing, never give up! x x x

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