by Sara
(Torronto )
write when your mad when your sad when your happy when you dont have anything to do when your lonely. Write down how you feel express yourself on that paper, which is going to be a really good listener.Looking back at what you wrote later on might bring you back to that memory either its a good or bad one, youll remember it. wrting is not a job or a boring hobby writing is a passion favord by alot of people out there. Its not about you publishing that book its about writing everything in your mind, head or even imagination on a simple blank piece of paper.Inspire yourself by reading other peoples writings and novels. i myself isnt a fourty year old writer. im actually much younger with alot of potentiol i have in me. i want to build myself up and be one of the best writers of history. i have a wild imagination i know but whats a writer without that,right?
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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