Where to begin

by Prilmer lipscomb
(Roxboro, NC, USA)

The day started as usual. I went in, said good morning to everyone and started My main job description, filing. And my main agitation of filing. Why can't they keep the single papers together instead of just cluttering my bin? I know who does this. She always wants to create anything which will knock you back and take more time. If she would start thinking of her work instead of her boss man things would go smoother for everyone and mostly her. Question: how could I have began my first sentence other than the way I did to make the reader want to keep reading? Thank you

PS I want more than anything else to write my stories. I need a huge shove in the right direction.

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May 03, 2017
Story Beginnings
by: Audrey

Simple beginnings can be effective. Yours gives you a reason to show what this character usually deals with and how this character feels about that. If that is your goal at the start of your story, you have accomplished it.

If you want to use your opening to do something else, then you may need a different opening sentence.

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