by Calsenia Welsh
(Middleville, Michigan, USA)
O.K. Admit it. We all get Writers' Block at some point. Here are the tips and tricks for your writing that are the BOMB!
1. Read some of your fellow authors' writings or read a part or two in a book that you absolutley love. That may help you to find just the "write" words.
2. Go back and describe.
3. Read your work out loud to yourself or a friend. Then ask for feedback. They may have some really awesome key tips for your masterpiece.
If none of these steps work, then take a nice long break and when something happens (say your brother is annoying you really bad) then describe it in your head.
Ryan was being terribly annoying today. He was banging on the walls, screaming as loud as he could and doing everything that could possibly annoy anybody. Finally, I went up to my room and slammed the door in his face. If he had been a step closer, he'd have broken almost all of his fingers because of the force I shut that door with.
4. Flip to a random page in your dictionary or Thesaurous.......
Use that word in your next chapter. Do that for every chapter or when you can't find the "write" word.
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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