The delivery of writing is a gift

by Rocio Plata
(ontario, CA, San bernandino)

A lot of people focus more on structure of the writing than on what they want to write about. It is best to know what exactly you want to write about; your main reasons, give the reader reasons in which why it is important to know the subject, and address your main ideas.

Freewriting helps a lot of writers because it's a brainstorm on what they can get creative with, besides worrying on how to structure the subject of the book, story, essay, magazine, etc.

Comments for The delivery of writing is a gift

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Mar 23, 2015
good one
by: chaphler

Yes it is a true fact that writing is indeed a gift that not all would have. The reason why i say it so firmly is because my father was a renounced writer whereas i totally had not interest or the skill of writing even a small poem or even a short story.

Oct 26, 2012
Writing is a Gift !
by: sonny dinger

Hi, Audrey
Yes, I believe writing is a gift just as music is,
I have several prompts in my head daily,
I do write them/jot them down, but not going any farther writing about it,
So, maybe I should visit here daily to learn what I
can from your site.

I have been moving/researching too much too long,
It is time to starting now for you.
Sonny Dinger

Nov 09, 2008
by: Anne Wayman

Yes, on the whole, content is the thing... reasonably presented of course, but the passion has to be there or the writing falls flat.

Thanks for the reminder,
Anne Wayman, now blogging at

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