The climax of the story

by Jelly The Banana

I always start off with a climax so it gets the readers interested. Put down the unexpected. Example.
' The blood dripped off the wooden table and lulled silently on to the now blood-stained floor'. Straight away I would be interested in reading more. Never finish a story with 'happily ever after'. You never get to continue the story if you do.
Cormac the cauliflower says hi too.

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Jun 18, 2011
The meaning of climax
by: Audrey

The beginning of a book does need a hook, something to draw the reader into the pages. That is unlikely to be the climax, which is the final point of tension the book has been building to throughout the story. I said unlikely because I suppose it is possible to start with the the end and then flash back. It would still be necessary to build from that initial scene or the reader will give up in frustration.

Readers want to solve problems. The problem might be the kind mystery writers pose or it might be one of character: figuring out why this person is acting in this way. But a reader is always looking for some challenge.

People reading this tip might also like this article I wrote that contains some tips on creating tension.

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