Old skool apostrophe

by Rabhen

I went to school in the 60's and we were taught the apostrophe for possession comes after the s. Janes' book is there. Jane's running would represent the missing letter. So, has this changed? I have noticed none of the writing aps I use automatically accept Janes', they reject it as misspelled. It is highlighted red here as I type, indicating a misspelling. Is this new? Am I so old I remember wrong? What's the deal?

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Mar 17, 2021
Apostrophe for possession
by: Audrey Owen

I was in school in the 60s as well. You may have been taught in a different school system from the one I learned and continue to work in.

In most cases, the possessive is formed by apostrophe s ('s). Examples would be Jane's book, the mother's voice, and the school's curriculum.

The apostrophe follows the s when the noun ends in plural s.
Examples would be the girls' mothers, the students' desks, and the dogs' leashes.

Different style guides have different rules for writing possessives for words that form a new syllable when possessive and forming possessives with words ending in an unpronounced s.

Since this is something that confuses you, I suggest you choose a style guide and follow its rules. If you find yourself needing to follow a different style guide to be accepted by a particular publication, you will understand that there are legitimate differences in the real world.

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