Never dislike a character personally

by Loganathan.S.
(chennai,Tamil Nadu,India)

Being a writer, never dislike any character personally, as each character either good or bad has his/her own purpose and does his/her job for the story.
This is to make up our mind to use any type of character as appropriate in our writing depending on the need of the hour, without avoiding any character due to personal disliking towards a character.
No character is useless, as it will be useful in certain time or places if used appropriately. If one character is not appropriate at a time or story, there are chances for the same to be appropriate at another time or story, so, keep a note of such characters to make use of it at later time, without leaving it out of mind. If we have personal dislike towards a character we will let the character out of mind, so that not to use it, so never do that.

But liking/disliking a story is different.

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Oct 31, 2012
Use the dislike positively
by: John R Peterson

You are so right about this. When I tend to dislike a character I wrote, I ask myself why. Then I use that information, that reason, to develop the character. Eventually when that character is developed, good person or bad one, the story is richer and you no longer dislike it. Using a sport metaphore, the best games are the ones featuring your favorite team or favorite players' stongest chalenger(s). That's what sells.

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