let emotions into your writing

by tkat

I've found that most fans like deep emotional thoughts
ex. of what not to do
she walked down the hall and smiled at a boy named Kevin
ex. of what to do
Miranda walked down the hall wondering if the boy, Kevin, liked her at all like how she liked him

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Aug 31, 2016
Emotion in writing
by: Audrey

Emotion in writing comes in many forms. One of them is stating them as you did in your post.

One other way to include emotion in writing is by creating a setting with an emotional tone. Colors and weather both help with this.

Showing instead of telling also allows for emotion without stating it. When you describe what a character says and does, you give hints about the character's emotional state.

The reactions of other characters often give clues to the emotions of the character who is your main focus.

Here is a writing exercise for anyone who wants to add more emotion in writing:

Copy a chapter of a book you admire. Use pencil crayons or other colored markers. Mark every place you notice that the author is evoking emotion. You can choose different colors for different emotions. When you are done, try to sort the instances into types. For example, you could find all the dialogue or descriptions of setting or verbs that give clues to the emotion the writer has in mind. Then go out and improve the emotional content of your own writing.

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