just write

by Bella

dont worry about your spelling just write a nice frist draft then go back and spell check.


I don't know whether you intended the spelling mistakes in your submission, but I think they do an excellent job of illustrating your point.

The advice to "just write" is one of the best bits of advice on writing I keep coming across. It's always possible to fix something that's written. But if there's nothing on the page, the is only a blank page.

So, I agree, with your advice to just write, and I thank you for the example you provided.


Comments for just write

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May 16, 2009
baby or bath water
by: Anonymous


I sure didn't read that into the comments.

There is only one piece of advice, so no one is telling anyone that EVERYTHING they have ever done in writing is wrong.

Most (not all) practicing writers agree that writing is best when the creative side of the brain is working without reference to the picky editor side of the brain until the writing is done. THEN the editor can go to work.

Some (very few) practicing writers do enough work inside their heads before they put pen to paper or fingers to keyboards that they actually do the revisions internally and write a fairly clear first draft. Maybe that's what you do.

You may like to read books by other practicing writers who explain their processes. I think you will find that most do at least one free flowing draft.

That still doesn't mean you have to, or even should, do the same thing.

You sound hurt and angry. I'm sure no one meant to cause those feelings in you. So you might want to ask yourself where those feelings are coming from. Then ask yourself what you can take from the comments you read here, and what to leave.

May 16, 2009
Learn from your Mistakes
by: Anonymous

I have always loved writing, but this page told me that everything I was doing was wrong. Thank you soo much!!

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