by Anonymous
If you're having a bit of trouble keeping up with your story and contstantly looking back to remember who's name is who's or trying to remember what happened before your current chapter, then the subject on your story may be a bit too boring, and if it's boring for you, it might be boring to your readers. Throw in a little more excitement.
Can't think of any ideas? Then go outdoors and take a walk, pay attention to nature, or drive someplace. You may spot some interesting people and get an inspiration. Remember, you can get an inspiration out of anything.
When you get back to your computer and have an idea, don't use too big of words in one sentence. And make sure your details aren't too long, this may also bore the reader.
I hope I helped!
I write from experience.
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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