Google Images for the win!

I always turn to Google Images and look at the pictures available. It really helps me describe an object.

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Nov 05, 2012
Worthwhile comments
by: Audrey

Thank you for your additional comments. As writers, we do well to avail ourselves of any information on our topics. Whether or not we actually use any specific piece of information, we draw better water from a deep well.

Nov 01, 2012
It's a reverse process
by: John R. Peterson

When I’m writing, I google images and browse youtube videos to see things as they really are; it is indeed an excellent resource. After all, when you read, you’re doing this in reverse, in your mind. The great many books I’ve had the pleasure to enjoy conjure images, some in motion; so it’s really a logical way to help you find the words you want for your readers to form the images in their mind.

In the same vein, if you research a subject or topic on the web with wiki like sources, you may get information that helps you better understand it. The more you know, the more you understand something or someone, the easier it is to find words to describe it or explain it. Moving a story along sometimes requires you to provide some measure of information, just enough to ensure the reader knows what you’re writing about.

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