Give your character a name the reader will admire.

by Em

A name for a character can be difficult to conjure up. But if you put effort into it you can come up with something the reader will idolize, and that is important.
Think of a name that works for your character, because readers feel insecure if the name sounds out of place. Normal names can give a character a classic feel, while uncommon ones can justify him or her and give a peculiar feel, which could fit the character perfectly.
If your want your character to have ordinary name, do something to make it seem special. Change the lettering in a name to make it seem unique, or give the name a family background that makes it seem one-of-a-kind. A common name with no meaning or specialty can just seem worn-out.
An unheard-of name can be exciting and fun, but don't push it. Names that are hard to pronounce can be easily forgotten, and turn a reader away. Find something that is different and sleek at the same time. If you would like to give your character a long and dignified name, give him or her a superb nickname that will stick in a reader's head.
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