Finish what you write

by sumaya

if you started a story make sure you finish it

Audrey writes:
There are times when this is good advice.

Then there are the other times. Here are some stories that are not worth finishing:
1. A story that has no point.
2. A story without strong characters.
3. A story that you cannot see a way through.
4. A story you cannot finish because you do not have the life experience.

I expect there are other stories that also should not be finished.

Having said that, I will add that a story I once set aside later won a writing contest. It had changed a great deal in the mean time, and I had come to understand a theme the story could illustrate.

So, my advice would be to consider carefully whether a story is worth finishing.

What I do think, is that you, the writer, should keep writing. Finish what you are doing, or write something entirely different. Just keep writing.

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