Emotion To Brilliance!! :)

by Jean

Write from your experiences! That doesn't mean an autobiography.

Find a deep experience with lots of emotion, what emotion was it? Use that in your next scene!

If it's from a heated fight between your and your best friend, use that anger or any afterward guilt.

If it's from reading a love scene, use that passion and lust to build your own.

A death of a loved one can easily create a scene you wouldn't have thought of.

Edit with you're head, but write with your heart.(:

Comments for Emotion To Brilliance!! :)

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Nov 13, 2011
by: Jean

What I was simply saying was that unless you're writing an autobiography, you should change the reasons from the emotion so it's NOT an autobiography. They (autobiographies) can be "molded to make sense" but their point is to tell what really happened & why & how it happened. A fiction book, I wasn't refering to journal entries, takes your own emotions from your experiences. Otherwise it can be dull and boring. I perosnally wouldn't want to read a dull and boring book, but one filled with feelings.

Thanks for commenting though(:

Nov 13, 2011
Heart & Head
by: J.P. Hansen

Yes, the energy for writing comes from personal experience. However, unless it's a journal entry, that energy must be transformed into the public space of language. Even autobiography needs to be molded and formed simply to make sense.

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