Am I a dyslexic writer?

You might be a dyslexic writer.

Dyslexia is an inherited condition affecting 20% of the population worldwide that causes problems with reading, writing, and spelling. Because our society puts so much emphasis on literacy, those who struggle with dyslexia are often misclassified as intellectually challenged or labelled as lazy. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

If you are a dyslexic writer, you are in great company. Click to see a list of famous dyslexic writers. The link will open in a new window so you can come back here to finish this article.

Symptoms of dyslexia

Science has now revealed 3 specific genes that cause dyslexia and scientists believe there are more involved, so stay tuned for further developments. Brain imaging reveals that dyslexic brains have lobes of equal size (other brains do not) and that the wiring of dyslexic brains are different.

Writers with dyslexia (and others who are dyslexic) will have some of the following symptoms.

  • A close relative with dyslexia
  • Delayed speech
  • Mixed up pronunciation (ambliance, aminal, flutterby, hangaburg, mazageen)
  • Confusion of left and right
  • Trouble memorizing facts (alphabet, times table, own phone number and address)
  • Reversals when writing letters and numbers
  • Difficulty reading
  • Difficulty writing
  • Difficulty spelling
  • Difficulty telling time on a clock with hands
  • Messy bedroom, desk, backpack
  • Difficulty learning to read and write another language

Strengths of dyslexics

Dyslexics usually show strengths in areas associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. Here are some of those areas.

  • 3-D visual-spatial skills
  • Art
  • Athletics
  • Curiosity
  • Global thinking
  • Imagination
  • Intuition
  • Mechanics
  • Music
  • People skills

Help for the dyslexic writer

First, I want you to know that you have landed on a Web site where you will find understanding for your specific struggles. I do not judge writers by their ability to spell and punctuate. My job is to make such writers shine. Although I do not ask writers if they are dyslexic, one writer early in my editing career shared her story with me and allowed me to post it here.

But my concern for you goes far beyond any editing you may need from me. So I want you to know about two avenues of help.

Technology and the dyslexic writer

Computer technology has come a long way, and it continues to develop. I have seen demonstrations of speech to text and text to speech programs that work like a charm. Computers no longer have to be trained to understand your voice to work for you. 

Price is not a serious barrier, either, especially when you think of the money you will save on editing.

With the right program, dyslexics can learn
to read, write, and spell

If your dyslexia interferes with your life, and it often does, there is good news. You CAN learn to read, write, and spell like everyone everyone else does. I have seen dyslexics learn with the proper teaching. It will take time and effort. 

When you look for tutoring for dyslexia, find an Orton-Gillingham-based program. All such programs use a system that is based in research and show results. 

For much more on whether or not you might be a dyslexic writer, I recommend Susan Barton's Web sites. Maybe you would like to start with this video. If you want help, Susan can point you in the right direction.

All writers need to be edited. If you want to work with me, begin with a sample edit.

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