by Katie
(Minnesota, USA)
remember to always give detail. Too much detail takes the reader away from the story but too little makes them confused, but just enough is perfect! (:
Example of not enough: We went on a walk and went home.
Describe the walk, was it icy and cold or hot and sweaty.
Example of too much: Some one killed my parents. My parents were wearing blue and green shoes but had pink shirts. And they had dark black pants with holes in them...
You want to stay on subject, don't randomly switch.
Just enough: We walked on a steaming hot night while i kicked stones on to the roads and watched the clouds move through the sky. When i got home my parents were lying on the floor.. Dead! There was no way of telling who killed them so i ran to the phone and called the police...
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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