Character Connection

If you are writing a book that has fictional characters, the reader should be able to connect to the characters on a personal level. Make the characters real and interesting, made good descriptions of them, bring them to life. You want a reader to feel like he/she is right there in the story interacting with the characters.

To help make a character, you could model them after someone you know. That makes the characters seem more real because you know what that person would do in a certain situation.



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Nov 09, 2009
by: Someone that has friends :)

If you can, don't make it obvious who you're imitating. The reason being that you may offend said friend. Either you write them wrong or write them too honestly. Or perhaps your friend doesn't want your book to blaze across the globe, carrying him or her unwillingly along with it. I for one wouldn't like millions/billions/thousands/your family/the teacher reading "me" in essence. I'd be mortified knowing that everybody can read my odd personality. I'd be equally offended if you portrayed "me" as an old woman with 40+ cats or wrote about the wart I have on my foot (true story) or shared something too personal that I thought would stay between the two of us...Good OR bad. Simplified: DON'T ANGER YOUR FRIENDS WITH WHAT YOU WRITE ABOUT "THEM".

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