Democratic Rules of Order
Book Review

Francis, Fred and Peg Francis (1994, 2003)Democratic Rules of Order. Francis: Victoria, BC (72 pages) softcover 

Democratic Rules of Order book cover

Whether you want to promote democracy or to simplify meetings, this little book will give you the tools you need.

Written with simplicity and completeness in mind, it gives the necessary information without bothering you with anything you don't need.

The small dimensions (4.5" X 7.5") make it easy to slip into a bag or briefcase for reference at meetings. And people are slipping it into those meetings in large numbers. Groups order large numbers so their members can all understand how meetings work and why they work that way.

If you are used to Roberts' Rules of Order, you will be pleasantly surprised by Democratic Rules of Order. Based on a philosophy of ensuring that everyone is heard and that group members are truly satisfied with the results of the meeting, it is easy to understand and apply. No degree or special training needed.

You can purchase this book directly from the authors.

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