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Editing Services Blog August 2007Aug 27, 2007, Marketing Ninja
A self-proclaimed marketing Ninja, Richard Craze of White Ladder Press shares his story. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 26, 2007, Literary Agent
What Ellen did when the literary agent didn't come. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 26, 2007, Free Sample Edit
Editors offer a sample edit, either for free or for a minimal fee. Learn how to turn your paid sample into a free sample edit. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 25, 2007, What are line editors?
Line editors, the artists of the editing world, give a writer's words elegance and power. An editor outlines the qualities of a good line editor. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 25, 2007, Resources and Gifts for Writers
Resources for the writer, including gifts others can give. Follow links to pages within Writer's Helper Web site and to other sites of value to find the best resources available on the Web. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 24, 2007, Instruction Manuals Writing Tips
Writing tips for writing instruction manuals. The how-to for how-tos. Link to a helpful editor. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 23, 2007, Sample Edit: Minimal Fee Or Free?
A sample edit lets a writer test-drive an editor's services and assures that the quote for services is tailored to your writing. Learn how to get your sample edit for free. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 23, 2007, Make Room For Illustrations
A workshop participant explains what she learned about how to create a balance between text and illustrations. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 20, 2007, Modern Gutenburg
Fred Ward, a modern Gutenburg, explains how he produced his 9 exquisite gem books. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 18, 2007, Where Does It Come From And What Does It Mean?
I love words. When I know where a word comes from, I use it more intelligently myself and wring more meaning out of it when I read. While doing Web site reviews, I discovered this gem and had to share. The link below takes you to a page where you can find the meanings and related words to many root words. Want to know what a word really means? Click on the root. Or if you're like me, you'll just click at random, sampling the delights, finding tasty bits you didn't know you could ask for. I've bookmarked this page. You might like to do so as well.
Aug 15, 2007, Gifts for Writers
Reviewed and recommended gifts for writers. Your gift is encouragement of talent. Find both free gifts and gifts to buy for yourself or your writer. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 12, 2007, Ghostwriters
An editor outlines what ghostwriters do and who uses ghostwriting services. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 10, 2007, Full Time Writer
A full time writer, Paul Blakey, offers support to other writer/publishers through his Self Publishers Club Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 9, 2007, Free Sample Edit Falls Victim To Online Success
As more and more people find me online, I've been overwhelmed with requests for free sample edits. That's no problem. If I were searching for an editor, I'd certainly take advantage of a free sample edit. There's nothing to lose and a lot to gain. The problem for me is that the time I spend on free samples for people who never really intend to hire me or any other editor cuts into the time I need to spend on the work for my paying clients. When I was starting out, that wasn't a big issue because I had lots of time. Success has brought me to a crossroads. I could continue to offer free samples to everyone and hire others to help me with the editing. That would add quality control and payroll bookkeeping to my list of duties. I wouldn't be directly paid for those activities, and the only way to pay for that time would be to charge my paying clients more. Asking my clients to pay more to support a free service to others seems unfair to me. Besides, I'm an editor, not a bookkeeper, at heart. I want to spend more time editing for my clients, not less. I have decided on a solution that my newsletter subscribers have approved and that I hope will make sense to new visitors to my Web site. I'm going to charge for the free sample edits. Yes, that says what you think it says. Let me explain. . .
Of course I hope all writers continue to use the wealth of free writing tips and publishing help available on the Web site. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 8, 2007, First Book
A first book is much like a first baby. An author in the midst of writing his first book tells about his experience with an editor. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 6, 2007, Which Writing Contest Would You Prefer?
Before I announce a new Editor's Choice writing contest, I'd like your feedback. Here's some background. . . When I launched Writer's Helper online, I included a writing contest as a way to encourage other writers to write. Entering a contest can
New software about to be launched would allow a different approach. Instead of having my critique, entrants could have their work published online open to a readers' vote and to readers' critique. The winner would be decided by the votes of those who visit the site. I would have ultimate control over what was published, so
Because I would no longer have to handle entries by mail or write critiques myself, I would not charge the current entry fee of $10. I also do not plan on keeping the monetary prize if I change the type of contest, although I would be happy to continue providing an Editor's Choice certificate for the winner. I see advantages to the new system. But I created the contest for others, not for myself, and I need your input. Take a minute to answer the questions below to be part of the decision-making.
Aug 6, 2007, Vote Here
Aug 5, 2007, Writer's Exercise
Writers need physical exercise. Let me share my personal experience with you. Permalink -- click for full blog
Aug 3, 2007, Book Review Rape The Two Egypts
A book review for a self-published fictionalized view of ancient Egypt, Rape The Two Egypts. Review written by Audrey Owen, editor for self-publishing writers. Permalink -- click for full blog