Blank Books

Do you remember the first day of school and the promise of the blank book open on your desk?

The clean page, the new smell, the possibilities...

Writers love blank books as much as any child loves a new book in September.

There are so many uses for a blank book. Will you use yours as a journal, for keeping track the books you've read, as a place for ideas you will write about later, for quotes from your reading, or some other personal use?

Not all blank books are created equal.

You can choose books for their physical attributes...

  • This is one place where the book can be judged by its cover. Serious, playful, classic, post-modern... You can find almost any type of cover surrounding a blank book.
  • Lined or unlined pages. Do you like your words to march along the line straight and true, or move at random over your page with your thoughts? Will the book hold doodles?
  • Paper texture varies. The feel of the paper affects how the writer feels writing on it.
  • White or colored. Does blue calm your mind? Does pink perk you up? Which color meets the muse's need?
  • Illustrations sometimes inspire, sometimes intrude. Some illustrations fade into the background. Others make a bold statement. Flip through the blank book to check the illustrations.
  • Coil bindings allow a book to be folded back. Perfect bound books feel more stable. Is space an issue? How much use will this book get?

The blank books listed below are just suggestions to start you on your quest for the perfect receptacle for great ideas.

Embellished Literary Manuscripts
-- Shakespeare
Will gold foil inspire you? How about a reproduction of Shakespeare's signature?

This sturdy blank book begs for immortal words.

Handstitched Traveller Moon Unlined
Lightweight, handstiched, plain pages make this an excellent choice if you are travelling. The book even has a great little pouch to hold extra papers or memorabelia.

The Blank Book
(A Series of Unfortunate Events Journal)
With the gloom of The Series of Unfortunate Events, this blank book will suit someone who enjoys Lemony Snicket and illustrator Brett Helquist.

A Book Lover's Diary
This book is not exactly blank. Rather, it provides a structure for keeping track of books. What have you read? What did you think of it? What are your favorite passages? What was the name of that bookstore at the summer resort?

If it's about your book reading experience, you can keep track of it here.

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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's  met many goals.

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