Be You!

by Kira

Be yourself. Don't write what someone else wants you to write. Write you want to. Do what you feel is right and NEVER give up. Good luck.

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Jun 28, 2015
A note on being yourself
by: Audrey

Kira, you have shared with passion an very important factor in writing: writing with the true self.

Many people even use writing (journals as well as poems, essays, stories, and other pieces) to discover more of their selves. Because writing well helps us to clarify our thinking, we can learn a great deal about many things, including ourselves, by writing.

Each writer develops a specific writing voice, some of develop more than one. This is just the same as developing our speaking voices. When someone hears our voice even when we are hidden from view, we are known because our voice is distinctive. Good writing is like that, too. Our writing voice(s) are distinctive, and even without a byline, other can often tell who has written a piece.

There are, of course, many times when we are told what or how to write. These times may be in writing classes when the teacher assigns a specific task to challenge the writer to grow in skill and understanding or to show what the writer knows about a topic. In those cases, a writer has a great opportunity to stretch as an artist and as a human being if the writer has the humility to take criticism from someone with more experience.

We are told what or how to write when we write for pay. This is like being a carpenter. The client wants a house. The carpenter builds the house the way the client wants it. If our boss wants us to write something, it's a good idea to follow whatever guidelines the boss sets out.

If a person is truly a writer, I believe it is very hard not to write, and to write what we want to write. In that sense, we had better never give up because to a writer, to write is to breathe.

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