Are you trying to be funny?

by Keith Marshall
(Kuala Lumpur)

Be very wary when attempting to write humorous material.
Most comical situations have been covered by other authors and it is therefore difficult to come up with something that is both original and funny.
Readers have very diverse senses of humour, your work will only appeal to those who share yours.
If you use sarcasm or irony ensure the reader is aware, otherwise it may fall flat.

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Dec 03, 2010
Writing Humor
by: Audrey

Although it is difficult for many people to write humor well, for those who can manage to do so it is a golden key to the hearts of readers. A spoonful of sugar truly does help the medicine go down.

People love to laugh. Laughter lowers blood pressure and just makes us feel good.

If you can make someone laugh, you have gone a long way to capturing that person's heart.

If you are not sure if something you've written is funny, share it with a friend who doesn't mind telling you hard truths. Don't say, "Is this funny?" Just ask the person to read it. When the reader is finished, ask what (s)he thought. If the reader mentions humor, great! If not, you can ask anything you like.

Nov 06, 2010
Writing Humor
by: Michael LaRocca

Yes, it is true that most comical situations have been covered by other authors, but the same could be said of any situation in any form of writing. There really are no new ideas. What makes writing unique is the author's voice.

Having said that, humor is one of the more challenging genres, which is why I waited so long before tackling it. I make myself laugh, so hopefully somebody out there shares my strange tastes.

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