by Kat Warhound
(Decatur, Alabama, North America)
The best thing you could ever do is to go into the book itself. To go into the world that you/will create(d) and meet your characters. Don't just slap a few phrases down and assume that your reader will imagine it themselves. You have to ask yourself questions like:
*What are they thinking?
*How would I feel in that situation?
* How would a person like my character react to this?
*What did I feel like when this/something like this happened to me?
*How does their past influence their decision?
Getting inside the book and not thinking like a writer but a character is the best way to convey the most realistic, entertaining, heart-rending, laughter-evoking, and all around great book!
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This is Jack Popjes and one of his published books. He and I worked on multiple projects. He's met many goals.
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