1. Always Have Reader's Perspective 2.Let Your Writing Be Reader-centric

by Vasudeva Krishnamurthy Naageswaran
(D-184 Hindu Colony, Nanganallur, Chennai, India, 600061)

Always Have Reader's Perspective

Mere reading of what you have written to finalise your writing will not suffice.Always have the reader's perspective in mind so that you could perfect your editing based on the queries that would arise in your mind during such a process.Precisely, such a process will fill the gaps or omissions in your writing thereby leaving the readers fully satisfied with your writing. In the absence of such a perspective, overconfident as you would be about what you have written, you are less likely to read fully with patience your own writing.

Let Your Writing Be Reader-centric

Always have the following rules uppermost in your mind:

(a) When you write to technical journals and magazines, assume minimum technical knowledege on the part of the readers and accordingly use technical words and jargon;

(b) As a corollary to the above,when you write to teach through such publications, use technical words and jargon but always remember to add suitable foot-notes;

(c) As against the above, if you are writing general articles or doing some feature writing meant for a heterogeneous readership,avoid exhibitionist tendencies and make your writing as interesting as possible. While on this, assume only an average educational standard on the part of majority of the readers and be discreet in the choice of your words and expressions. Do appreciate that when it comes to reading,unlike an erudite, an average reader lacks flexibility to alternate between a high and mediocre standard of writing;

(d) Never indulge in Latin words or in archaic words and expressions or for that matter in uncommon idioms. More importantly, if you are not a native speaker of English, do not try to translate idioms or expressions in vogue into English. Remember that every language has its own style and so whatever the language you are writing in, first imbibe the true spirit of the particular language and

(e)Finally, never forget that reading as distinguished from listening is more tedious and hence go all out to help the readers sustain their interest in your writing with attractive paragraph headings wherever you can.

Comments for 1. Always Have Reader's Perspective 2.Let Your Writing Be Reader-centric

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Aug 14, 2017
Reader Centric
by: Peter B. Giblett

I have been giving some thought to this topic, hence my arrival on your page. I am currently writing a post about this as well. Thank you for your input.

Jul 09, 2015
reader centric
by: Anonymous

I agree with your comments

Oct 28, 2009
by: Ellen

Thanks Audrey. Ellen

Oct 27, 2009
No Known Term
by: Audrey


I'm sorry that I don't know of a term for the situation you describe. Yours is as good as any. Of course if others don't know exactly what you mean, it won't help to use it, but you could keep plugging away, using and explaining it, until it makes it into a major dictionary.

In my experience, writers who do what you describe are often unaware of what they are doing. I know I've done it myself, much to my shame. Of course others may have nefarious motives. But I do think listserves often contain writing that is not as carefully crafted as it would be in other settings. This can lead to many misunderstandings.

I hope this helps.

Oct 27, 2009
by: Ellen

Dear Writer's Helper,
Do you know if there is a general term, or editor's term, for writing that does not take the reader's perspective into account, i.e., that inadequately explains one's meaning, that includes content with no context, that leaves the reader thinking, "What the hell are you talking about?" I call this "narcissistic writing", because it seems like the writer figures the reader can read the writer's mind, or worse, it may be intended to confuse the reader or "reel the reader in" to asking questions! It drives me crazy!, and drains me! It happens a lot on list serves, usually regularly by particular individuals. Thanks! Ellen

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