
by Bethany Kirkbride
(Sheffield, United Kingdom)

I think, hang on-I know, that the most important part of writing anything, same goes for songwriting, reports, letters, book reviews, that the most important thing involved in writing is determination. There is no point in sitting chewing desperately on your pencil/pen/writing implement, when 10 minutes later you throw your efforts so far and anything nearby up in despair. To write a good piece of literature you have to WANT to write a good piece of literature, and you have to have this determination all the way through because otherwise it is never going to work. And, when you get writer's block, or feel rendered completely useless you have to smile through clenched teeth, and get on with it. If after all this you still can't write anything, keep on trying, and then after that you might just have to accept the reality that writing is not for you.

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Dec 29, 2010
Key is Determination.
by: Robert J.

I perhaps, may have wasted hundreds of hours trying to think up alternate ways to encourage myself- when jumping right into it just wouldn't do it for me!

Determination really is the only factor that will keep you from writing anything. But it's important to remember- just as anything else- we can't give up! You can say you're worried about life, worried about tomorrow's plans, yesterday's drama, etc., but you have to let all that go.

Writing, to me is a period for me to escape reality and live in a 'wonderland.' For me to be able to leave my life behind and step into the fantasy realm, whether it be fiction or non, I would have to be at least somewhat productive during the day. Nowadays, I wake up, take a run or work out, go to work, come home and clean up. If my house isn't clean, or if my life feels 'messy,' there is no use sitting down to write.

If I don't have the energy to be me, in this life, my fiction definately won't have what it takes to interest a reader.

This was a whole new awakening for me, because my life before writing was a complete mess. I'm suggesting you simply clean up your environment. Stay strong, eat healthy, and you maybe able to reflect some qualities like myself when it comes to producing creativity.

Feb 20, 2010
I agree
by: JK Rowling

This author really knows what she's talking about-determination really is the key to success.

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