Phoenix Books Reprint Services For Canadian WritersAdd another R. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... ... Reprint services I suppose that technically reprint services are a special kind of recycling. But the service offered by Phoenix Books occupies a unique niche that deserves its own heading. The Reverted ProblemThis service is for writers who have had their books published by a trade publisher who is no longer keeping the book on their list. The rights have reverted to the writer. The problem is, what can a writer do with such a book? The Reprint SolutionEnter Phoenix Books, the reprint solution for those whose books are no longer available through regular channels. To qualify for the Phoenix reprint solution, the author must by a member of the Writers' Union of Canada and have the rights to the book, and the publisher must grant permission to use the original layout and design. Having the layout and design allows the print on demand publishers to waive the fee for digitizing the book. Reprinted books have a new ISBN because this is not a republication. You cannot make changes to the book. As in any other self-publishing endeavor, the author must do the promotion of the book. As in any other print on demand endeavor, small print runs are expected and accommodated. Although Phoenix Books is for a select group of published authors whose books are out of print, other authors can approach other printers to see if they can strike a deal to put their own books back into circulation. Who Can Use Reprint Services?Now I'm not talking here about only Phoenix Books. Any writer whose books are out of print can use reprint services if they meet the following criteria. - They hold the rights to the book.
- They have a local market, or...
- They have a Web site with lots of traffic, or...
- They do readings or workshops where they can sell books.
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