Editor's Blog February 2008

Feb 28, 2008, Book Launch Take A Lunch To Pig

Take A Lunch To PigTAKE A LUNCH TO PIG - a true story by Ann Barker

The high school janitor, after cleaning the cafeteria, idly sighed, "Youcould raise a couple of pigs on the lunches thrown away by these kids." Amother took him at his word and a pig husbandry project was born in elegantWest Vancouver. It was 1976 but the story is even more relevant today asthe world struggles with increasing waste in every sector or ourcivilization. Enjoy the antics of these engaging piglets in the first and only book by Ann Barker.

The cost is $15.00 and includes postage

Ann Barker: PO Box 47 Garden Bay, BC V0N 1S0

ph (604) 883-2689

fx (604) 883- 2685


Feb 20, 2008, Book Review Women Who Could -- And Did

Women Who Could...And Did, a self-published result of academic research, gets a book review from Audrey Owen.

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Feb 17, 2008, Book Review Skunk Hollow Times

"Skunk Hollow Times tickles the funny bone," says reviewer, Audrey Owen.

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Feb 4, 2008, Write On, Vancouver -- May 2-3, 2008

Take a jaunt to the glorious West Coast this spring and explore the craft of fiction writing at a mini-conference in Vancouver, BC.

Feature speaker Lisa Jackson, regular bestselling author on the New York Times, USA Today and Publisher’s Weekly lists, will discuss Hot Sex, Cold Death: Writing Your Romantic Suspense Novel with topics including plotting, setting, characterization and market. Jackson will also give a luncheon keynote address.

Also featuring: Michael Slade, BC author of 13 SpecialX thrillers, on A Male Author’s Perspective; and Policing: Getting it Right by Peter Ditchfield, manager, Law Enforcement and Regulatory Training Program, Justice Institute of BC.

Appointments with editor-in-chief of Kensington Books, John Scognamiglio and Kathryn Lye, editor, Harlequin Silhouette.

Special feature, Friday evening (May 2): join Eileen Cook, Berkley author and counselor, on Perfecting Your Pitch or Discovering Your Author Brand: Mapping Your Way to the NYT List with Theresa Meyers, author and publicist, Blue Moon Communications.

Early bird fees (by March 31st) start at $119 (CAD or US funds). Conference cost includes continental breakfast, snacks and lunch on Saturday, May 3rd. An optional dinner – an additional chance to network with speakers, published authors and fellow writers – is available Friday, May 2nd. Registration closes April 28th. Accommodation: $95 CAD (single or double, guaranteed until April 4th) at the Inn at Westminster Quay (contact details available on the website).

We welcome books and other promotional materials for door prizes and goodie bags. We expect 100 registrants. All donors will be recognized in our program. Please send items to:Write On, Vancouverc/o H. Cho221 – 7055 Wilma StreetBurnaby, BCV5E 4B1

Presented by the Greater Vancouver Chapter, Romance Writers of America ® .

For more information and the registration form, visit our website.

Click for more info

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