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Consider an audiobook: Editor's Notes #324
October 14, 2020

Audiobooks are for people who hate reading
and for those of us who love reading.

—Matthew Rubery

In this issue:

1. Consider an audiobook
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt
5. My Covid-19 offer to you

1.Consider an audiobook
My ears perked up when I heard that Deloitte, a consulting firm, predicts that global audiobook sales will increase by 25% in 2020. As I followed up on an article by Duncan Stewart, Mark Casey, and Craig Wiggington, I also learned that "at current growth rates, audiobook revenues are on a trajectory to pass e-books by 2023 or so." podcast-industry.html "Wow!" I thought. "Most writers should consider an audiobook!"

On refection, that makes sense to me. I grew up being read to and reading to others in return. Even when I was a young adult, our whole family would gather around a book, taking turns reading aloud, passing the book from one reader to the next as each in turn laughed or cried so hard the reading got interrupted. Later, when I lived alone, I was thrilled when CBC radio had a late night program that consisted of excellent books being read aloud. I thought of a variety of situations where an audiobook would be welcome.
  • Commutes to work
  • During workouts
  • During early-morning infant feedings
  • Before bed (so much better than dealing with a screen)
  • During housework
  • While crafting
  • For young children’s rest period at home, school, or daycare
  • On flights (if we ever get back to those)
  • For anyone with a reading or visual disability
I’m sure there are many other reasons someone would welcome an audiobook.

Not every book is worth turning into an audiobook. But anything that has a storyline should at least be considered as a candidate, and I am captivated by the idea of an audiobook of poetry. Books that address spirituality and self-help would also qualify in my opinion.

Besides whole books, there are audio trailers or sample chapters that might boost sales of your ebook or tree book.

If you want to create an audiobook in whole or in part, you have two choices of how to go about it. You can do it yourself, in which case, I suggest you do some serious reading on the topic. Or you can pay for production, in which case, I also suggest you do some serious reading on the topic.

In any case, it seems there could be gold in them thar hills, and a bit of prospecting might be in order.

I was recently asked to check an audio version of a proofreading course. This experience proved to me that I can also edit audio, so if you have a whole book or a part of a book that needs a second set of ears, I’d be happy to help with that. You can contact me by email to start a conversation about how we could work together on your audio project.

2.Tickled my funny bone
Life is short. Smile while you have teeth.

3. Interesting Web site
The link here is to an audio version of a children’s story that also appeals to adults. In this case, the audio version is narrated by Jack Popjes, the author, who worked hard as an immigrant to lose his Dutch accent. I think his reading of his story with his accent adds a great deal to the story of his young life in Nazi-occupied Holland and beyond. (Note that the voice in the introduction is not that of the author, so be sure to wait until the actual story starts.)

This book is also for sale on the author’s Web site in both paperback and audio through this link. (Note that in the paid version, you do not have to listen to the introduction in each chapter, but can read each chapter uninterrupted.)

4. Writing prompt
Most computers allow you to record audio files. Record your voice reading a selection of something either you or someone else has written. How do you sound? How could you improve? Would you consider an audiobook?

5. My Covid-19 offer to you
I live in Canada, and we have just celebrated Thanksgiving Covid-style. My mom and I went for a "scooter walk," where she rides her scooter and I walk, that took us to a seniors’ complex where the two friends we have there came outside so we could visit physically distanced. Back at home, we had a dinner for two that had to be scaled back even further because of current restrictions on my mom’s diet. We decided we have much to be thankful for even in this unusual time. One of the things I am thankful for is being in a position to make this Covid offer to writers. If you are ready for some quality editing at a deep discount, this is for you.

What follows is a copy and paste from issue number 309. It’s still in force for you and anyone you choose to tell about it.

Along with the health threat hanging over the world, we are facing a huge financial hit. I’ve decided one thing I can do is to make quality editing less expensive during this trying time.

For subscribers to Editor’s Notes and their friends, I am suspending the fee for the sample edit to anyone using the code EN19 until I cancel this offer. I intend to keep this offer open as long as the world is in crisis with Covid-19 and its aftermath, so watch this space. I will give a warning here before I pull this offer. You can submit your writing sample at Be sure to click the link below the heading "Promotion Code" to get to the special form for a free sample edit. If you find yourself at a form before clicking the special link, scroll slowly back up the page, and you should see the link for the code (EN19).

But it gets better…

When I return an edited writing sample, I include quotes for the full range of my editing services. Until further notice, I will give a true quote, but I will not charge writers the full amount. I am discounting my services 50% for subscribers to Editor’s Notes and their friends. I will give a warning here before I pull this offer.

Feel free to pass this offer along to any writing friends you think may be interested. As long as anyone uses the code, I’ll honour the offer.

This is what I can offer you in this time of crisis. I hope it encourages you as you face possible illness and financial uncertainty.

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