I want to write but its impossible

by Lara

I want to write but I can't help but edit the first sentence (words) again and again (because of grammar, change of words or change of idea). Then, my writing goes nowhere near its second page.

I hate it when I correct my work even if I haven't made it to the next paragraph yet. Then I get tired, I stop, always.
Can you please suggest anything that will stop this part of my brain (temporarily) that says (every time I write) 'NO WAY! THAT'S WAY AWFUL!'

Comments for I want to write but its impossible

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Sep 25, 2017
Possibility to write
by: Lara

Hi, Audrey.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I'll get back to you as soon as one of them works or something is starting to work on me.


Sep 16, 2017
Editing too soon
by: Audrey

You are right to be concerned about editing your work too soon for exactly the reason you mention.

I do not have a magic bullet for you because this is a mental habit you will have to correct yourself. It is important.

Here are some things that may help. They are not guarantees.

One idea is that you promise yourself that you will not change anything you write for at least an hour. Then set a timer for an hour. If an hour is too long, set a shorter time period. Then leave your writing alone until the timer goes off. When it goes off, you do not have to correct your work. You can simply reset the time and continue writing. Hopefully getting in even 10 minutes of continuous writing will snap you out of the need to correct everything too soon.

A second idea could be to cover your work as soon as you have finished your sentence while you write the next one. This would be cumbersome, but it might help.

A third idea is to finish your first sentence and immediately get up and go outside where you stay for at least five minutes. Walk down the block and back. Dig a hole in your garden. Do anything that keeps you out of the house. You may find yourself thinking of your next thoughts. When you get back to your paper, do not reread your first sentence, just write your next thought. You may even have to use a new piece of paper to keep you away from the first sentence.

Try these ideas and any others you can think of and report back here. I think your experiences could help others. I can also ask other writers to share things that work for them. Some of them may post back here. This would be in two weeks or more, but if you try these ideas in the mean time, you will have an idea of how they work for you.

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