Business Opportunities Online
Home Page And Beyond

Everyone is moving to the Web. Are you looking for business opportunities online? A home page is not enough today. A business needs a real Web site. And if you are a writer, you ARE a business.

But there are other online business opportunities, too, for writers and others.

  • Work From Home
    Women often want to work from home so they can continue to care for their children. Men are also joining the work from home revolution.
  • Small Business
    You could be self-employed, or have a few employees. There are many small business opportunities online. All involve real work, but offer a world-wide reach.
  • Local Business
    Even when I begin with the yellow pages, I expect a local business to take advantage of business opportunities online. A home page is the least I expect. I want to learn more about the business; I want to know what is available; I want to check out testimonials. And I want to do it all online without leaving my home.

I help businesses build online

There are three ways I can help you with a business opportunity online. Of course there are three prices, and there is a significant difference.

Do It Yourself

This is what I did. I have been successful because I used the right tools. When I started my own online business, I could write emails and find something on Google. Period. I certainly didn't know any fancy computer language and I didn't know how the Web really worked.

A Helping Hand

You just want to save time putting up a site where you don't care about traffic. I don't recommend this approach, but I will help you with it if it's what you really want. I have helped clients create these sites when they believe all they need is an extended business card. These clients depend on offline advertising to bring people to their Web sites. 

The sites have up to 10 pages that give more information than a business card or brochure can hold. They have contact forms to collect information so the owner can better understand and target potential clients.

Traffic Hound

You want to make the most of the business opportunities online. Home page building is not enough for you. You want a full business plan that involves solid research before you even choose a domain name. You want the best research tools at work for you, helping you to target your online market, whether it's local or global in scope.

You want the kind of success I've had and you want me to help you get it.

Why not get in touch and let me know what you want to do online?

Contact me

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