Entice Visitors Through Your Site
Make Your Home Page 
The Best It Can Be

The Best Home Page optimization

You understand that every one of your visitors represents a potential sale, whether on the first visit, or after you have PREsold the repeat visitor with your expertise. You want to cut your losses to the minimum.

You know that whether you use a template or have a custom designed site, the words ultimately sell the visitor on what you offer.

You have taken your home page as far as you can, and you are ready to put a professional to work on your page to make it the best it can be.

You want to replace the CLICK of the back button with the CLICK of KA-CHING!

You won't settle for second best.

You've heard that professional sales pages cost from $1000 upward but you are ready to pay the price.

Optimal results will cost you only US$150

How is this possible?

Normally, a copywriter would have multiple meetings with a client to clarify intention and gather information. Then the copywriter interviews focus groups or clients and does other market research.

As an SBIer, you have done the research and you know your client. You know what voice you want to use.

You've done all that work, so I don't have to charge you for that. 

All I have to do is work my word magic!

For US$150, I will copywrite not only your home page, but also your home page description.Remember that the description, the most neglected part of Solo Build It! pages, brings the visitor to your site. You could easily pay $150 elsewhere for the copywritten description alone. 

Fill in this simple form to put me to work making your home page the best it can be.

After you complete the form, you will be sent to a secure order page to pay. Then, you let me work for you.

I want my home page to be The Best

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


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