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Fiction and Web sites, Editor's Notes 82
January 15, 2010

"I'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes."

In this issue:

1. Web site for fiction writers: Idea #1
2. Tickled my funnybone
3. Interesting Web site

1.Web site for fiction writers: Idea #1
We've been looking at ways a writer can use a Web site. Today we are looking at one way to increase your earnings from the Web site for a fiction book.

Your book has a setting. Settings are potential destinations. Destinations make for travel sites. Travel sites can make money, real money!

When I was working in Chicago as an Internet coach, one of the most financially successful coaches had a travel site. At that same series, I met a teenager who made serious money with her travel site while going to school full time. She worked about an hour each week on her site. Sure beats flipping burgers!

Amazing British Columbia is a non-fiction book, but I plan to make money related to travel once the site is more established. I will do that primarily through affiliate programs that serve tourists. I've already started that section of my site where I will list all the towns in BC.

And just to show you how the book/destination link can work the other way, here is a link on the site for Amazing British Columbia that suggests a book based on the destination...

There are many ways to make a Web site profitable. I learned most of what I know about Web business at


2.Tickled my funnybone
"Lack of Brains Hinders Research"


3. Interesting Web site
Lesley, who was also a coach in Chicago, passed on this link through the writing tips page on my Web site. I thought it was worth passing on and pointing out to all of you at this time of year when we are setting goals. (Remember that you can post a writing tip yourself at


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