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Editor's Notes #49, Caribbean Ebook Launch and Comma Use #9
January 31, 2008

The small force that it takes to launch a boat into the stream
should not be confused with the force of the stream that carries it along...

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

In this issue:

1. Caribbean Book Launch for Get Your Writing Fighting Fit

2. Commma Use #9 Direct Quotations

1. Caribbean Book Launch for Get Your Writing Fighting Fit
Since the request to present a seminar about writing for the Web sparked the metaphor I used in writing Get Your Writing Fighting Fit, it seemed fitting to launch the ebook on the Caribbean cruise where others came to learn more about making Web sites into successful businesses. So, as the Freedom of the Seas pulled out of Miami, I was on board with a message to share and one hard copy to give away at the seminar.

Launching an ebook is not exactly like launching a hard copy book. For one thing, until it is printed out, an ebook is just a set of electrical pulses. Launching it on a ship that charges outrageous Internet fees didn't allow for a rush of sales. And of course people wouldn't want to download the book onto a ship's computer in any case.

All the same, I came home to the happy sight of money in my Clickbank account. The difficulties of a "real" launch were more than made up for in the convenience of digital distribution and immediate payment. I plan to write more about ebook creation and selling later on my site. You can watch the blog
or wait for posting in upcoming newsletters.

I used material from the book for my session, along with a little physical activity. Carolyn was happy to scoop up the hard copy that her husband forfeited by leaving his seat before the big give-away.

Others may now buy Get Your Writing Fighting Fit for US$29, one dollar less than my planned price of US$30.

If you want to edit your own work effectively and efficiently, click the link to learn how to get your own copy.


2. Comma Use #9 Direct Quotations
We are continuing with the series on the uses of the comma. To see the uses we discussed previously, click on the link below to the newsletter archive.

To understand today's use of the comma, you need to know what a direct quotation is.

A direct quotation reports what the speaker actually said without any grammatical changes. The direct quotation is set between quotation marks.

Use a comma to separate the direct quotation from the words that indicate the speaker. If the words that indicate the speaker come at the end of the sentence, the comma is inside the closing quotation marks.

Example: Alice said, "I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry," said Alice


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