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Is it time to hire professional help? Editor's Notes #101 July 06, 2011 |
Hello, but so are most writers. --T.S. Eliot In this issue: 1. When a writer should hire a professional 2. Tickled my funnybone 3. Interesting Web site ========== 1. When a writer should hire a professional If you plan to self-publish, you may be do-it-yourselfer in the marrow of your bones. Maybe you change the oil in your car, make pickles from your garden produce, and still sew your own clothes. Maybe you even shear your sheep to knit your own socks. A good feeling often comes along with self-sufficiency. You probably do not, however, pull your own teeth or build your own jet engine, and you almost certainly won't deliver your own eulogy. Knowing when you need help as a writer ranks right up there on the list of vital information if you expect to sell your work. The final question in my survey of self-published authors produced statistics about a range of professionals that self-publishing writers should think about using. See the results of the survey and read my take on when to hire a professional at =========== 2.Tickled my funnybone Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge =========== 3. Interesting Web site This isn't usually a section where I toot my own horn, but if you are interested in writing retreats, festivals, and contests, you'll want to have a look at my blog, which for now, seems to be the bulletin board for coming writing events. =========== If you know a writer who would appreciate receiving Editor's Notes, forward this issue. If someone has passed this on to you, you can get your own free subscription by signing up at |
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