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An addition to the last issue: Editor's Notes #361A
March 30, 2022

This is a special addition to issue #361.

I had multiple replies to the last issue of Editor’s Notes, specifically about the link to the course on fact-checking online material.

This was a lesson to me. Before hitting send, I need to completely run through anything I link to, even when I have successfully used the link in the past. So, first of all, here is a more detailed set of steps to get to the free course. There had been a change that I hadn’t noticed. The Senior’s Course is no longer free. But the same material is free under another title.

  1. Begin with the link above.
  2. Scroll down the page to the headline that says "About Seniors."
  3. Under that headline, on the right, is a photo of a man at an open laptop. Under the photo it says, "Self-directed course." There is some text, and then there is a green button that says "ENROLL." Click that button.
  4. The same man is featured, but bigger. On the right, above the man’s photo is a button that says, "LOGIN TO ENROLL." Click that button.
  5. At the bottom of the form on that page is a link that says, "Register." Click that button.
  6. That should get you to a form where you can register.
  7. Here is the path I took after the registration page:
    Training (drop-down menu)> Categories> Fact-checking.
  8. This is where I need to offer you a huge apology. The course I took now looks like it has a price tag. However, the course called How to Spot Misinformation Online looks like the one I took, and it is free.

    From there, I’m hoping it is clear sailing. If not, let me know.

There was a concern about giving up an email address to get the material. I always pause before I give any information away. I can tell you that the Poynter Institute is run on high ethical standards. I will also point out that everyone who subscribes to Editor’s Notes gave up their address to get on the mailing list, and I have never shared one of those email addresses with anyone else.

There was also a comment that it can be necessary to check the fact-checkers. I agree. For me, that’s another reason to access the information in this course. The more informed we are about how to fact-check, the better we can evaluate things presented to us online.

Again, my apology if your experience with the way I presented the link put you off. I encourage you to try again.

The next regular issue of Editor’s Notes is due on April 6, 2022.

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