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Back matter: Editor's Notes #351
October 27, 2021

First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind.
If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it....
We do not write in order to be understood;
we write in order to understand.

—C. Day Lewis

In this issue:

1. Writing clutter
2. Tickled my funny bone
3. Interesting Web site
4. Writing prompt

1.Writing clutter
In my experience, most people feel some sense of defeat when it comes to clutter.

Recently a friend sent me a link to yet another guru in the organization world. I wasn’t feeling particularly swamped by clutter, but there was an undercurrent of unease on the topic. When I clicked the link, I was surprised to find that the woman behind the site said things I hadn’t heard before, things that made sense. The main one was that there was no one way to tame clutter. Her compassionate approach with a breakdown of types of preferred ways to organize our things helped me so much that I wanted to pass her Web site along.

After all, writers, almost by definition, live with clutter. We write ideas on scraps of paper that we sometimes turn into snippets of writing on bigger pieces of paper, and, if we are lucky, we then turn those into full-blown books. Or we do the whole thing digitally, little notes that become bigger sections and then whole books. Either way, things are in danger of getting lost. Also, if we are lucky enough to be earning money from our writing, we have business papers or digital files to keep straight and timelines to meet both for taxes and for publishers or retailers.

Being human, our non-writing lives offer a myriad of other potentials for clutter that also need attention.

You may be like me, a person who can hide clutter from others, but a clutter creator nonetheless. Or you may have only minimal trouble with clutter.

Or you may live with others who clutter the shared environment.

The link below to Clutterbug offers an empathetic and reasoned understanding of what drives clutter in different types of people, how to take charge of clutter, and how to live in harmony with others with different ways of organizing their lives.

Cas, the creator of Clutterbug, does make a living from her system, but I got enough for free from her site to take the next steps on my journey to peace with stuff.

2.Tickled my funny bone
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not so sure.

3. Interesting Web site
As referenced above, here is a link to the site that has recently inspired new understandings and actions to address clutter in my life.

4. Writing prompt
The word clutter brings on the word clatter in my mind. Too much clutter is followed by some clattering, as in a racket, the sort of noise things that fall might make or the noise inside my head when too many things call for my attention. Thinking about those words together opens up all sorts of creative thoughts. What leaps to your mind when you hear the word clutter? Write a short piece inspired by the word clutter.

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